Cleanup Week Photos
One big pile? Just say no! Please separate items by type.
Don't do this!
Piles like this make our job much harder. Please separate items of the same type into distinct piles (tires, appliances, furniture, brush, household garbage, etc.). Separate trucks collect the items.
Remember the limits! We only accept two appliances per household.
The two piles of lumber here would not be accepted in some communities. Select your community on the
home page to find out how building materials are handled in your area.
This pile of tires was collected from Fargo homes during Cleanup Week. Many cities accept tires during Cleanup Week. Select your community on the
home page to find out how tires are handled in your area.
This dumpster is filled with microwaves collected in Fargo during Cleanup Week. Microwaves count as one of the two appliances allowed per household. Dilworth charges a fee for microwaves.
The person who arranged this pile provides a good example of separating items and of using disposable containers.